If this is your first time purchasing online assessments
Click on the image above to log into your console
Log in with the same username and password you used to make this purchase.
You must do this once to make your console “active”.
Log in with the same username and password you used to make this purchase.
You must do this once to make your console “active”.
You can create an immediate access link by adding your store username to the end of this:
For example, if your username is testuser, the link you will share will be console.effectivenessinstitute.com/bss.html?l=testuser
NOTE: anyone with this link can take an assessment, so Remind them not to share the link!
Assign the assessments and send links to end users by logging into your console.
If you’d like to learn more about administering your online assessments, we have a free class that you can access here:
Email us: contact@effectivenessinstitute.com
Call us: 425-641-7620