Above Midline

People tend to get more energy from certain behaviors and work activities than others. Subsequently, they tend to give effort and energy to the activities where they get the most energy. It can be helpful to think of these things as behaviors or activities that either drain or charge our “internal battery.”

Above Midlines Styles

  • Give energy to RESULTS. 
  • Receive energy from working on or completing RESULTS.

The Analyzer and Controller give energy to TASK accomplishment, and they get energy back from working on task. Whenever either of these Styles is experiencing low energy, they go work on something and it picks up their energy level. 

Some clues:

  • Fewer smiles
  • Limited facial expressions
  • Don’t discuss emotions

Ways to be more flexible with Analyzers and Controllers

Focus on decreasing expressive behavior:

  • Focus on what is or what needs to be done
  • Spend less time socializing
  • Do not seek approval for you or your ideas
  • Allow more physical distance
  • Limit how much you share emotions and feelings

Style flexibility means being willing to change your behavior to create a better relationship with someone. It does not require a change of who you ARE; it is a change in what you DO. When you increase your Style Flexibility, two things happen: 

  • You experience a higher level of understanding and tolerance for a person of a different Behavior Style.
  • You improve your ability to build trust and respect.

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